New email, new website, more content

You Have Homework June Update «de la nada»

New email, new website, more content
Photo by TOMOKO UJI / Unsplash

Hey everyone,

I hope this email finds you. Because I just changed my email and website provider and I hope this hasn’t hit your spam folder.

Sorry, I couldn’t resist poking fun at corporate speak. Anyways, let me summarize what’s going on:

🤝 You are now a member of my website – this means you can see the member-only posts. For now, that includes all the newsletters starting from December 2023 and I also imported my articles from Medium.

For example, you may not have seen my article on Colombia…

Colombia for Foodies and Shopaholics
A cosmopolite’s guide to the best addresses in Bogotá, Medellín, and Bucaramanga

…or my favorite trick for remembering new vocabulary.

Comic Books Are Your Best Friends for Vocabulary Retention in a Foreign Language
This method is the best way I’ve been able to remember new words

(BTW, did you already have de la nada from the excerpt in your phrase toolbox?)

🎖️I’ll be adding a paid tier in July. In addition to the monthly newsletter, I want to send out 2 additional emails per month – one with some homework (I want to start testing a few things out) and another about my travels, or anything else I find interesting and relevant for my fellow Spanish-learners. 

Don't worry, you don't have to join! The monthly newsletter will continue as per usual.

💭 Starting from this email forward, you will be able to interact on these posts in the comment section all the way at the bottom. If you want, of course.

👻 If you are already familiar with Ghost publications, then you know that when you subscribe, you “log in” to the site through your email. From what I’ve tested so far, it seems pretty easy.

For those of you unfamiliar with Ghost, it is a newsletter service that also hosts websites. In the future they want to join forces with other publishers, so that those who join can aggregate and share content across decentralized social media services. Seems kind of cool, so we’ll see if this is a good fit for You Have Homework.

(That being said, I found out about Ghost a week ago. Bear with me with any wonky site issues.)

💅 Other than the more attractive emails, you will also be able to search the site. So when you book a trip to Latin America, you can type “Argentina” in the search bar and see my travel tips. Just make sure you are signed in to access all the locked content.

See you on July 1 for the monthly newsletter! Let me know if you have any questions.


Founder, You Have Homework